
                                                                Concept Differences

  1. only one immune cell: white blood cell
  2. Battlefield become 5 from 4

In the original game concept, there were many immune cells such as Macrophage, T-cell and white blood cell, which was designed for against the covid-19.  However, there is only while blood cell in the latest release.

Because there are five horizontal lanes in the background wall page that is a clone of the game ‘Plants vs. Zombies’, the player could plant cells on 5 lanes.


                                                                Testing Summary

  1. There are not any progress notifications in the game, while playing.

The player does not know the progress. In the latest release, there is a progress slider in the right top of screen. 

The progress slider is the percentage of this level.  When the progress increases from 0 to 100, the red partition expands. 

2. There is only one level in the game

In the test version, there was only one level in this game. The new feature where the player can choice different levels in the beginning of the game is release in the latest version. There are 3 level in the game.  The different among different level is the varity of invaders. There are 2 types in the level1, 3 types in level2, 4 types in level3.

3. There are not any options in the setting page.

There are three options mode, volume and music in the setting screen. the mode option can change the difficulty level, where the default mode is easy. 

The volume slider can adjust the volume of the background music. The music option is to switch on or off the background music.

                                                                Asset List

  1. Audio 

nor.mp3        the background music

2. Prefabs

Bullet                            the bullet which is to attack invaders is created by a white blood cell.

Bullet_invader        this bullet is created by an invader, in order to attack immune cells.

Covid19                     the covid 19

Grid                              this is a notification for player to notify players which one grid is using.

Invader1                    the invader type 1

Invader2                    the invader type 2

Invader3                    the invader type 3

RedBloodCell         a red blood cell

WhiteBloodCell    a white blood cell

Oxygen                      an oxygen prefab

3. Scenes

EnterTheCell              the real game 

GameOver                   a game over screen

Help                                a help screen

High Scores               a high scores screen

Level                              level selection screen

NewGame                  setting player name screen

Setting                         setting screen

Tittle                              the entrance of this game

4. Scripts

├── Conf                                        configuration

│   ├── Configure.cs                       configure each option for setting screen

│   ├── ConfigureName.cs            change scenes to NewGame, if username is null.

│   ├── GameConf.cs                        the configuration file of this game

├── ImmuneSystem                           immune system relation scripts

│   ├── ImmuneHealth.cs               if invaders attack this cell, the health number of a cell will be decreased until diead.

│   ├── RedBloodCell.cs                   this scripts is added in a red blood to create oxygens.

│   ├── WhiteBloodCellAttack.cs  a white attack invaders by creating bullets.

├── Invader

│   ├── InvaderHealth.cs                   if white blood cells attack this cell, the health number of a cell will be decreased until diead.

│   ├── Movement.cs                           an invader move from the right of screen to the left of the screen.

│   ├── Attack.cs                                    an invader attacks immune system cells by creating bullets.

├── Level

│   ├── SwitchLevel.cs                        change level and switch to the real game

├── Lib

│   ├── BuleetType.cs                          bullet types

│   ├── Bullet.cs                                     a bullet decrease the health number of cells when trigger enter 2d is executed.

│   ├── Health.cs                                   the base scripts of ImmuneHealth.cs and InvaderHealth.cs

│   ├── InvaderType.cs                      an enumeration of cells types includes invaders and immune system cells

│   ├── Switch.cs                                   scenes switch scripts

│   ├── UnitySingletonPersistent.cs     single instance scripts

├── Manager

│   ├── GameManager.cs              the main script of this game

│   ├── GridManager.cs                  the grid position in the ground

│   ├── InvaderManager.cs           creates invaders until game over

│   ├── LevelManager.cs                set differents levels

│   ├── OxygenManagerFromSky.cs    creates oxygens and move the oxygen from sky to the ground.

│   ├── PlayerManager.cs              the player

│   ├── ProgressManager.cs         change the progress in the real game

│   ├── ScoreManager.cs                the score

├── Map

│   ├── GridInfo.cs                  a grid is used by grid manager

├── Oxygen

│   ├── Oxygen.cs                   an oxygen script

├── Score

│   ├── DisplayHighScore.cs          change the text in the high scores screen

│   ├── HighScore.cs                          store and reload scores from file.

├── ToolBar

│   ├── OxygenNumber.cs             the current oxygen number of the tool bar

│   ├── UICard.cs                                a player drags a cell from the toolbar to the ground

├── UI

│   ├── GameOverUI.cs                  change the text of game over screen to tell players win or fail

│   ├── LevelSelectionUI.cs           controls which level can be selected in the level screen

│   ├── Pause.cs                                    the pause button in the real game

│   ├── ScoreUI.cs                              displays current score in the real game

│   ├── SettingVolumeUI.cs          change current position of the volume in the begging of the setting screen

5. Spirits

 ├── Invader


│   ├── Covid19.png                            this picture is used for prefab covid-19 and Bullet_invader

│   ├── bacteria1.png                          is used for a prefab invader1

│   ├── bacteria2.png                          is used for a prefab invader2

│   ├── bacteria3.png                          is used for a prefab invader3

│   ├── GameBG.jpg                            the background of the real game

│   ├── ToolBar.png                     the background of the tool bar

│   ├── bg_map.png                            the background of title screens

│   ├── bg_virus.png                           the background of the setting screens

│   ├── menu.png                         the menu picture of the real game

├── immuneSystem

│   ├── Bullet.png                                              is used for a prefab bullet

│   ├── redBloodCell.png                           is used for a prefab red blood cell

│   ├── whiteBloodCell.png                 is used for a prefab white blood cell

├── oxygen

│   ├── oxygen.png                      is used for a prefab oxygen

                                                      User Guide and explanation

  • The Title screen

  1. To start game
  2. Display all high scores
  3. Changing settings
  4. Get help
  5. Exit this game
  •  Scores

  1. The high score usernames and scores
  2. Return to the title screen
  • Setting

  1. Sett play mode from easy to hard
  2. Change background music volume
  3. Switch on or off background muiscs 
  4. 4.Return to the title screen
  • Help

1.Return to the title screen

  • Start Game (after click start game in title screen)

  1. Type your name 
  2. Click to play (only if name is typed)
  3. 3.Return to the title screen
  • Select levels (after click play in provirus screen)

  1. Level selection (only 1 can be clicked at first play)
  2. Return to the title screen
  • The real game (after select a level)

  1. a toolbar
  2. Oxygen icon
  3. How many oxygens player has been collected
  4. A red blood cell (left click this icon to new a red blood cell and then plant on the ground)  à 10
  5. A white blood cell (left click this icon to new a white blood cell and then plant on the ground) à 10
  6. The pause icon
  7. An oxygen dropping from sky, left click to collect this oxygen, in order to increase the number in the “3”
  8. Current score and how many invaders have entered the cell
  9. The progress slider
  10.  After left click an icon in the toolbar, there is a cell connecting your mouse.  Moving the mouse chooses a grid to plant.
    • a)When left click the mouse, the cell will be planted on the ground.
    • b)When right click the mouse, this operation will be canceled.
  • Game started

  1. A white blood cell that has planted on the ground ( only attack invaders)
  2. A red blood cell that has planted on the ground (only collect oxygen, did not attack invaders)
  3. A bullet sent from a white blood cell
  4. A covid-19 invader
  5. A bullet sent from an invader
  6. An invader
  • Game over

  1. The game result “win or fail”
  2. Restart this game
  3. Return to the title screen

Files Play in browser
Oct 16, 2020
Screen Recording 2020-10-16 at 47 MB
Oct 16, 2020

Get Enter the Cell

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