Week 9—Enemies / Interaction / Puzzles
Enter the Cell » Devlog
Week 9—Enemies / Interaction / Puzzles
There are 4
different enemies (bacteria)
public enum InvaderType { COVID, INVADER1, INVADER2, INVADER3, }

how to instance
- there is an
Component which controls how to instance a invader
random get a invader prefab by using Random.Range
int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 4); if (type == (int)InvaderType.COVID) { prefab = GameManager.instance.Conf.InvaderCOVIDPrefab; } else if (type == (int)InvaderType.INVADER1) { prefab = GameManager.instance.Conf.Invader1Prefab; } else if (type == (int)InvaderType.INVADER2) { prefab = GameManager.instance.Conf.Invader2Prefab; } else if (type == (int)InvaderType.INVADER3) { prefab = GameManager.instance.Conf.Invader3Prefab; }
white blood cell destroy invaders
produce a bullet every 2 seconds in white blood cell
decrease invader when bullet trigger OnTriggerEnter2D
if(other.gameObject.CompareTag("Invader")) { other.gameObject.GetComponent<InvaderHealth>().DecreaseHealth(DecreaseNumber); }
destroy an invader
if this is not a covid and health become 0, it destroys itself and creates a covid instance.
Health -= number; if (Health <= 0) { if (Type != InvaderType.COVID) { GameObject invaderInstance = InvaderManager.instance.Instance((int)InvaderType.COVID); } Destroy(gameObject); }

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